I'm listening to the BXI
Anyway, BXI. The first song, "Teeth and Claws," sounds like Sonic Youth circa Daydream Nation
If this EP was by a band you'd never heard of, and you randomly slotted it into your CD player or streamed the tracks from MySpace, you'd probably quit about halfway through the first song. It's occasionally pretty, but it's not compelling stuff, and Ian Astbury's vocals are, if possible, even more of an acquired taste than they were in the late '80s, when his ultra-earnest attempts to be Jim Morrison won the Cult a medium-sized following and got them on Headbanger's Ball during the hair metal era. And frankly, the songs are underwritten. It feels like the band said, "Hey, it'd be fun to work with Ian Astbury!" and he said yes (because Cult records aren't selling, and the version of the Doors he fronted isn't on the road), and nobody thought it was necessary to invest more than ten minutes in writing material.
I don't get why people like Boris as much as they do. I saw them a few years ago, and thought they were deadly dull live, despite Atsuo's over-the-top theatrics (he's got a big gong, and he likes to use it). Their albums are almost always middling, wedded to a concept or a conceit rather than being built around a collection of strong songs, and have a rushed feel like they're already impatient with the concept, and can't wait to get to the next one, even as they're recording the material. And yet, they've somehow become a cult band, and a brand. So people are gonna buy this record out of brand loyalty. Which disappoints me, but I'm sure it pleases them, 'cause it means they don't have to change their strategy to hold onto their fan base.
I just listened to a few of the samples from the Amazon page, and this just doesn't work for me at all. You're right, it sounds like Boris took some scraps off the cutting-room floor and had Astbury croon over them one day when he happened to be in town.
I still don't really understand the religious fervor that surrounds each of this band's releases. Is it just out of respect for their longevity now?
Thanks for reminding me of "Go Ahead John," though; I haven't heard that in years. Think I'll go listen to it now (on headphones).
I tend to agree.
I mean, Pink had some really good songs on it (Farewell, Pink, 6 Three Times).
But the rest... not so special, especially other than Akuma No Uta.
When Boris actually bothers to write a song, they do pretty well.
Wish they'd do it more.
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