And here are links to 10 more All Music Guide reviews:
Arch Enemy, Khaos Legions
Autopsy, Macabre Eternal (Amazon MP3 link
Krallice, Diotima (Amazon MP3 link
Portrait, Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae (Amazon MP3 link
Qluster, Fragen (Amazon MP3 link
Wadada Leo Smith, Heart's Reflections (Amazon link
A Storm of Light, As the Valley of Death Becomes Us, Our Silver Memories Fade (Amazon MP3 link
Jeremy Udden, If the Past Seems So Bright (Amazon MP3 link
Anthony Wilson, Campo Belo (Amazon MP3 link
I also wrote a review of Hate Eternal's Phoenix Amongst the Ashes that AMG decided not to use, so here's that:
Hate Eternal
Phoenix Amongst the Ashes
Metal Blade
Hate Eternal’s music is death metal, sharpened to a razor’s edge and polished to a blinding gleam. There is almost no subtlety to it—the riffs saw at the listener’s ears, the drums are a relentless double bass machine-gun barrage, the vocals are a harsh, guttural roar. Still, both through his long tenure leading the group and his production work for a variety of other extreme metal outfits, Hate Eternal leader Erik Rutan continues to refine his group’s core sound from album to album. Phoenix Amongst the Ashes doesn’t inject even slight doses of melody, but these songs do somehow seem to function as songs, not mere collections of riffs. The band is very much influenced by Morbid Angel, for whom Rutan played in the ’90s; their songs have the same feeling of huge slabs of concrete being pushed back and forth. There are unexpected sounds here, though, like when a guitar that sounds almost like a horn section comes in at 2:30 into “Haunting Abound,” or the ultra-clean guitar riff that follows it, in the same song. “The Art of Redemption” opens with extremely high-pitched, insanely fast picking by Rutan that sounds like the work of Krallice/Orthrelm guitarist Mick Barr, as drummer Jade Simonetto hammers his kit into submission. So while in some ways this is “just another Hate Eternal album,” the band continues to find new facets of a style that might be easily classifiable—and ignorable—in the hands of lesser players.
Oh, and I reviewed three albums for
Altar of Plagues, Mammal
Jesu, Ascension
Krallice, Diotima
Hey Phil, have your ever heard of Socrates Drank The Conium? Don't know what the rest of their output was like but check out their debut self-titled album from 1972. Awesome stuff that I'll think you'll appreciate.
Oops, my bad. It's actually their third album that I got hold off and it's called "On The Wings". It's heavier than their previous two albums, and is when they introduced a second guitarist to give them the sound that's made of teh awesome.
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