Dear friends, fans and extended family of the AUM Community:
It is with much happiness to report some great news on David’s journey. The first of the beautiful people who came forward in response to the call for help – this particular beautiful person being Laura Mehr – has passed the screening process with flying colors, and a date – May 5th – has been scheduled for the kidney transplant operation.
In the 8 weeks leading up to this date, David will of course continue his intensive daily dialysis regimen, and following the operation he will have at least a 3 month recuperation period.
In response to our initial email, a number of folks inquired about sending donations to David to help cover expenses during this period of time in which he has not been and will not be able to work. Any such donations would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to do so:
You can PayPal to this address/account: aum@aumfidelity.com
in which case, please include a simple note, "for David S. Ware support"
You can also send check or money orders made out to David S. Ware to:
........AUM Fidelity
........PO Box 170147
........Brooklyn, NY 11217
To all who forwarded and posted our original email with the critical news of his search, please do the same with this notice and this URL: http://www.aumfidelity.com/david-s-ware-health.html, in order that the good news be spread as well!
A note from donor Laura Mehr:
“Over 30 years ago, my husband and David shared time and spiritual understanding. During Maurice's lifetime as a spiritual aspirant and transcendent artist, Maurice talked affectionately about David and the mutual artistic understandings and spiritual connections they shared.
When Maurice passed on almost two years ago, I contacted David to let him know that Maurice had passed. About a year after that, a friend of mine was in need of a kidney transplant, and I volunteered to be tested. Before I could be tested, my friend received a kidney from the UNOS transplant list. This was a great happy surprise to both of us, and he is now home and his new kidney is functioning well. Less than 48 hours after I got the news that my friend had received his transplant, Steven sent out the appeal about David's situation. My stunned reaction that this could be happening so quickly, gave way to the even greater surprise that as with my friend, David and I were the same blood type. I did not hesitate to volunteer, as I knew that this was not simply happenstance, but divine intervention. As David later said "Life is truly stranger than fiction".
Things have moved quickly from that point, and all tests have come back as a match, and we are ready, on May 5th, to cross that bright line where giving and receiving are actually one and the same.”
–Laura Mehr
And a link to Laura’s website:
Thank you Laura(!) and to all once again for your emails and energy of support; here’s to full-on success on May 5th and forward!
Steven Joerg
AUM Fidelity
[Photo of David S. Ware by Jimmy Katz.]
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